
Publishing PWA to Microsoft Store

Jul 27, 2020 by Kolappan N

As you might have noticed, this blog is a PWA. Since, it is now possible to publish PWAs into Windows Store I thought why not publish my blog. It is not super useful to anyone but hey, it is a PWA and why not try it. It went well and the app was published to Windows Store. I later removed it as it was just a demo app. Here are the steps I followed to publish my PWA.

1. Reserve an app name

First you will need a PWA website and a Microsoft Developer Account. Once you have them, the first job is to create an app in the Microsoft Partner Centre website.

2. Build your PWA

Our next job is to package the PWA into an .appx file. This can be easily done using the PWA builder. PWABuilder is a Microsoft funded open source project which provides options to pack your PWA for various app stores, add features to your PWA, etc…

Before we continue, you need to ensure two things in your website’s manifest.

  1. Ensure that the app name you reserve and the short_name in your site’s manifest file are the same.
  2. Have a 44x44, 50x50, and 150x150 icon for your manifest. Otherwise, the PWA builder will not use your website’s icon. This is due to a issue and is expected to be fixed in near future.

Here are the steps to package your PWA for Windows Store.

PWA Builder scan result
PWA Builder scan result
PWA Builder Download screen
PWA Builder Download screen
PWA Builder - Gernerating AppX
PWA Builder - Gernerating AppX

3. Uploading to Microsoft Store

MS Partner Centre - App Certification Progress
MS Partner Centre - App Certification Progress
Screenshot of my app in the MS store. It is now removed from the store.
Screenshot of my app in the MS store. It is now removed from the store.